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Supernova 2018 (Sydney Comic Con)

A friend of mine is crazy about Star Wars and superhero movies, like me, and in that order! Her name is Daniela and she is married to Vince, who takes care of the gardens at our Shrine. A bit ago, she invited me to go with them to “Supernova.” This is Sydney’s version of the comic conventions in the United States, the most famous and largest being in San Diego and commonly known as “Comic Con.” I have never been to one of these before, though I am a geek when it comes to superheroes and Star Wars, as many of you must already know. I have always wanted to attend one. Here is some pictures from Sydney Supernova 2018.

Many attendees come to these conventions in “cosplay,” which is short for “costume play” (I think). They dress up as their favorite superheroes. Their costumes are very well done. Photo one is a person dressed as Spiderman. He was perhaps the best costume that I saw at the event. Vince and myself later posed with Rocket Raccoon from Guardians of the Galaxy (2). He was also very, very well done. However we ran into him later in the day and to be honest with you he smelled like a dead raccoon three days old! Daniela (who took the photo) kept telling us to get closer to Rocket, but he stank so bad! And the poor guy inside must’ve been sweating to death in the fur, even though it was cool.

At the event you also have many people selling their superhero stuff and presenting artwork, etc. I enjoyed best of all meeting and talking with the artists and discussing their work. Here are some Legos put together in the shapes of superheroes and Pokemon characters (3-4). This comic book was one that I owned as a child (5). I no longer have it, sadly. As you can see, the vendor is selling this mint copy for $1,300 Australian (around $900 US)!

Actors will also come and have Q and a sessions with their fans. One thing I saw at this event which I wasn’t really happy about was actors charging for photos with their fans. I’m not sure if they do this in San Diego. Maybe it’s just done here in Australia. I thought that the entrance fee covered meeting actors and getting their autographs, free of charge. At this event if you wanted an autograph it was $25 or more and photographs with the actor, where you got to meet the actor and have a picture taken beside the person cost $100 for the more famous actors! I couldn’t believe it or the lines for the photos!

The photos I got were free and were taken with permission in a large auditorium “Q and A” sessions. This actor stars in a Netflix series called IronFist; his real name is Finn Jones (6). The next shot is of TV actors from the show the Flash, Carlos Valdes (l), and Arrow, Stephen Amell (r) (7).

Here’s another attendee dressed as Doctor Strange with Daniela (8). I signed up to win these Superman items that were autographed by Henry Cavill, the latest actor to play my favorite hero (9).

My sister knits characters and I thought of her when I saw these knit Groot figures (10). Hey Ines, get to knitting!

Here’s the whole group that went to Supernova with some of the replicas of the droids from the Star Warsmovies: left to right, Vince, Daniela, Karen (their friend) and myself (11). BB-8 looked great (12-13). Here’s a collection of Death Star uniforms and a dark droid (14). And a woman dressed as a fat Jawa with Daniela(15). they had replicas on display of Luke Skywalker’s light saber (16) and a thermal detonator from Return of the Jedi (17).

How about this costume (18)! She looked so real I couldn’t believe it. She could’ve been in one of the movies!

Here I’m getting arrested play some storm troopers (19). Here’s a speeder bike trooper (20-21). Some cool Empire poster (22). Daniela posing as Princess Leia (23). And a mock speeder bike that I could ride, free of charge (24-25). This was a cool toy of a storm trooper riding a dewback, in cutesy style (26). Finally both the Empire and the Rebels tried to recruit me (27-28). I’ll let you decide with which side I signed up!

I head to the States for Chapter and then a month’s break next weekend. Please keep me in prayers for safe travels across the world!


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