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Carols by Candlelight 2017

Hello! We've had a streak of humid weather. Thankfully the highs were moderate (in the low 80's). Still, it sucks all the energy out of you. You don't feel like doing much yet there's lots to do!

The week long humidity broke with a great storm system that came through on Saturday. Heavy, soaking rains started about noon and kept on for most of the day and night. It was a real blessing for us as it's been so dry. I can't remember much rain in the past three months! Perhaps none at all!

My heart broke this week when I saw a pair of cockatoos standing atop a spigot near our shrine, bending over the end and trying to suck out some drops from the leaky faucet. (We got a plastic tray and filled it with water for them. Thankfully, the intelligent birds understood what we were doing and came back right away to drink!)

Unfortunately, Saturday was also our "Carols by Candlelight." That's popular here in Australia. Near Christmas, places put this song fest on. It's basically a big party with music, carols and grilling. We usually do it outdoors in our one school by the parish and move out a stage that the school has in its hall. This year, due to the rain, we kept it all indoors.

I was dreading it, to be honest with you. It's so much work, and at a time where I'm already exhausted with confessions, other liturgical stuff, and other personal stuff in preparation for Christmas. (My Christmas cards might arrive after the 25th this year!) Add to that the humidity we'd been having, I worried the place would be hot and sticky with many bodies.

Thankfully, my fears were unfounded! It was actually lovely! Better than any other year since I've been here! We stayed in the school hall but opened it's doors. In the afternoon, the storm had cooled everything down to around 68 degrees…just perfect for the folks indoors. And by having it in the hall, it made everything cozy. We all felt closer together! (Perfect for a parish!)

These first photos are of our youth group and its leaders at the "sausage sizzle." (1-3) Basically, we'd call it brauts on the grill. Brother Bernard, a student, is with us for the "summer break" which coincides with Christmas (2). I'm happy to have the help! He's as sweet as he looks.

What is nice about the event is that several of our choirs are able to sing 2-3 carols, along with professional musicians that sing solo numbers between the groups. It's lovely! Here is our Ave Maria Choir, a Filipino Choir, who is very close to me, (4); they sang Mary Did You Know? And our Youth Choir (5-6) sang Do They Know It's Christmastime? This last image is of our Cherubim Choir who sang We Wish You A Merry Christmas acapella (7). They all did great!

My dear friend Soo Ong, was in charge of the free coffee and tea (8). Paola baked 90% of the sweets we sold; she's on the right with Tracy who is from The Marishes (Do you know where that is? It's near Madagascar.) (9) Just look at these sweets! (10-12) I was told that we should give out free insulin throughout the night!

Later I ran into another Star Wars Fan (13). And the night traditionally ends with a visit from St. Nick, who gave out candy!!! (14) Next year, I think we'll have it inside, no matter what the weather! It was very nice.

Lastly, here are some pictures of a rarely seen parrot in these parts (15-17). I am not sure what it is called, but I have been running into it and its mate (17) out in our field late in the day, as I head for home. I've only seen it and its mate, so I imagine it's rare around here. And here is a patch of Agapanthus in glory in our school (18-19). Just beautiful!


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