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Australian National Geographic Photo Exhibit

As I said last week, I went to the Australian Museum with the intention of seeing the Australian National Geographic Photo Exhibit. And I was blown away! So many of you have commented on my own photos. Many are just pure luck and my good camera. Here are what you can do with pure luck and a great camera (and the knowledge of how to use it well). These are but a few of the many wonderful images at the show.

This first image is a "runner up" called Morning Mist. I love the glowing warmth and the pure joy of the jumping kangaroo (1)! Look carefully at this second one and you will notice that it's not a black and white image, though it might appear so (2). This third image was taken in Parramatta—on the same river where I go to see the bats hanging in the trees (3)! And how cute is this (4)? It's a baby turtle taking its first dip in the ocean. It is titled First Wake.

This next set is a series of fabulous landscapes that just don't look real (5-9). The seem from something out of Star Wars! The first looks like a haiku incarnate (5) while the second is incredible all by itself…even more so when you discover the marching echidna in the center (6).

Next is a series of bird photos (10-15). They were all scattered throughout the exhibit. Look at this stunning parrot—I've never seen the emerald wonder around Sydney (10); the beauty of geometry even in nature, reflected in a pool (11); this is a black and white photo (12); I love the story in this image of a mama bird looking at her chick called Kung Fu Fighting Swamphens (13) (be sure to notice its sibling under mom); and these last two are mating pairs with kestrels (14) and fairy terns, with the male offering a female a fish to entice her to mate (15)!

These are beautiful aquatic wonders: a couple of manta rays (16-17); the second is entitled Hitching a Ride. This is an octopus at a crab convention…the photogrpaher wrote it seemed like it was a child in a candy store with eyes bigger than it's stomach, unsure of which to pick (18)! And then another black and white image of mother and child humpback whales (19).

Look at this cutie newtie in the "animal portrait" category (20). And this fellow (21-22) reminded me to pick one up for my younger brother who's been asaking for one; it's a wombat. How can you help but smile? The photogrpaher wrote that they had had three days straight of clouds and snow and then on this afternoon the sun broke out. He got his camera and came across this Happy Wanderer, stating that he knew that he could just park himself, wait and the determined wombat would just walk on by! Here's a western grey kangaroo caught in the midst of The Scratch (23). And my all time favorite of the show is this one of a dolphin cresting, entitled The Dancer (24). The image looked more like a painting! The details are just wonderful; the animal seemed to glow!

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