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Flying Foxes of Yarramundi and Parramatta

A couple of quick trips this week as it was another busy one wth three Confirmation Masses (each with about 60 kids)!

Our Year 5 Students from Our Lady of the Rosary School spent a couple of nights at Camp Yarramundi, in the nearby Blue Mountains. It's a YMCA camp with little cabins that the kids stay for two nights and three days. Throughout the days they learn different skills, like rock climbing and team work building stuff. One of the popular "rides" is called the "Flying Fox."

I went to visit the kids this past Thursday. All the children had had a turn, so they wanted me to ride the Flying Fox. Here is the "harness" team that helped me suit up with the safety stuff so I wouldn't get hurt (1). And some views of the tower from which we leap (2-4). At first it doesn't seem so big. However. it stands 12 meters off the ground (about 40 feet)! Here's a view from the top (5) and of the person who went ahead of me to show me how it's done (6). The bottom video included here is of my "flight." The little girl you hear screaming, that almost sounds like a dying cat, that's me!

We are in Spring finally. Flowers are starting to bloom. These are some type of grevelia at Camp Yarramundi (7-8). These next few photos are of flora at Parramatta Park: new leaves on these trees appear yellow, becoming green later in the season (9); I love the colors and variations here (10); some pansies (11); a wonderful "bouquet" of new elm leaves.

As I was on the Flying Fox, and Fr. Gabriel leaves next Sunday, I thought about showing him some real flying foxes (which is a species of bat, the largest in Australia). The flying foxes just sleep in a section of trees at Parramatta Park. Still, you can catch a few stirring. We arrived around 4 pm, so I suspect they'd all soon wake up anyway. There are signs everywhere not to disturb them. But the air is full of chattering; it sounds as if they are taunting each other! I am suprised the bats are not more hidden in some secluded place.

The first video above gives a brief overview of the creepy but cute creatures. This fellow was stretching his wings (14). And this guy seemed to be relishing the warm sunshine…just look at the smile on his face! (15). The wings of the bat are actually hands; it's made of a membrane that stretches over very long fingers. You can see one clearly in this shot (19). The photos of them flying are by guest photographer, Fr. Gabriel (16-18). (Way to go Peter Parker!) And finally a "foxy" priest in his flying car (19). (Ha!)

Before I sign off, I thank all of you who were wondering about my family and friends in relation to Hurricane Irma. As far as I know, all are well. Please know we have been praying for you here in Australia and fro all those affected by natural calamities. Safety and blessings to everyone!


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