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Vivid Sydney 2016

Hello all! Am back from vacation in the States. It was a nice time to see some of my family and friends. Missed seeing many of you, too. Wish there were a way for me to be in two places at once. Before I left, I went to Vivid Sydney 2016. It's a yearly light show that plays for two weeks at the start of winter. The show begins at around 6 pm and lasts until 10 pm each night. All around the harbor area of Sydney, they beam big lights onto the outside of the Sydney Opera House and other famous downtown buildings. I've included some of the more dazzling shots. This is my third year seeing the show and this year's was one of the best, in my opinion.

In the album attached, you can see various shots of the Opera House projections. Simply double click on any of the images and it will enlarge for you to see it better. Apart from the Sydney Opera House, one of the old buildings became a movie screen showcasing a short film of "Sydney's Hidden Stories." At one point the artist transformed the building into a bookcase. The illusion was heightened by using the architectural details as the edges of the shelves. Very cool.

In addition to moving images on the buildings, there were also glowing sculptures that were erected and sprinkled throughout the walkways around the harbor. According to newscasters, "Vivid Sydney" has become the most popular tourist attraction in all Australia! Hope my photos help you to see why!

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